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Model Masterpiece Bmw 507

1958 BMW 507 Series II was offered at the Gooding & Company auction and set a world record for the model by selling for $2.75 million (above its pre-sale estimate of $2-$2.5 million).

Model Masterpiece Mercedes Benz 600

The majestic Mercedes 600 also endeared itself to more likable folks including Elvis Presley, Beatles John Lennon and George Harrison, Karen Carpenter, Elizabeth Taylor, Rowan Atkinson (“Mr. Bean”), Jay Leno, Hugh Hefner and Coco Chanel.

Mm Bmwz8

Car designers may loathe the term “retro,” but when done right, retro can raise pulses. The BMW Z8 certainly raised pulses when introduced for model year 2000 – and it still does today.